Andressa Hunsel

Community Advocate AndressaHunselWho is Andressa?

Andressa is a mother, stepmother, and wife and has recently moved to the sunny state of Florida. Before that, she lived in New Jersey, but it was way too cold there.

Every weekend she tries to visit a new place to discover Florida in a fun way.

She is also a self-published author of the children's book “Keemaya and the Beach-My journey living with Sickle Cell” and this book has been published in 3 different languages: English, Dutch, and French.

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Andressa is passionate about healthcare because there are so many moments of insecurities or fear when someone is diagnosed with a condition. And to be able to guide someone through this process is a grateful “job”.

As a Sickle Cell advocate, she writes articles for Health Union, the website, and recently joined the Chronic Hives team. Through this platform, she will interactively share her own experiences with readers who also had to go through this journey, or who are just getting acquainted with Chronic Hives. It was not an easy journey, but people say, “when life gives you lemons, make lemonade” and I go through life with this attitude.

In daily life she is also a project manager and marketing specialist, mainly carrying out assignments within the healthcare sector worldwide. In the past year, she has carried out beautiful projects in Africa, Europe, South America, and North America. She is always ready for a new challenge and loves adventures.

If you want to learn more about Andressa, look at her website

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