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Treatment breaks from Xolair

I have been suffering with chronic spontaneous urticaria and angioedema for 10 years. I've been on xolair injections for 8 years but every 6 months my immunologist makes me go on a treatment break to see if they go as quickly as they started, however, every 6 months they get worse. I now have them internally and causes labour type contraction pains, vomiting and indigestion. My question is, is anyone else made to go on a treatment break?

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    Treating chronic hives can be quite complicated.
    Unfortunately, I am not a medical professional and cannot speak for your doctor's course of action. I will say however, for those who take medications long-term it can be helpful to take a break from certain medications. For some people, it gives the body a chance to "recover" from what has been suppressed by the medication. It may also be a time for doctors to reevaluate symptoms and response to treatment.
    As we wait for others to chime in with their own experiences, I would recommend bringing your concerns and updated symptoms to your immunologist's (or healthcare provider's) attention.
    All my best, Doreen (Team Member)

    1. Thank your for your reply. I do appreciate its not only frustrating for us that suffer with the condition but for the consultants/drs as well not knowing what causes it. I also appreciate how expensive xolair is as a treatment. I have emailed my immunologist but haven't yet received a reply. I wasn't sure if this is because everyone has to go on a 6 month treatment break and there is nothing more she can do? I will send another email and pray for a response.

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        I just wanted to check in and see how things are going?
        Have you received a response from your immunologist?
        Thinking of you, Doreen (Team Member)

      2. How expensive is Xoliar and do you get coverage? I am pretty close to being out of options and the doctors and allergist say Xolair.

    2. thank you for checking in. I hope you are keeping well?
      I did receive a response, but only to say I'm unable to have a treatment break every 12 months and that it isn't common to have stomach issues with my condition. So I've asked them to review me again in 6 months on my next treatment break. Fingers crossed that they can help.

      1. ,
        Thanks so much for the update.
        Although you received an answer, it's frustrating that your concerns weren't completely addressed.
        I'm including a few links with some information and personal experiences with Xolair: and
        Wishing you all the best, Doreen (Team Member)

    3. Does the Xoliar work for you?

      1. Yes, within a month of me having my injections I am symptom free. Its the treatment breaks that I struggle with.
        My immunologist has said it is funding that prevents patients from having them without a break, which I can appreciate but financially I can't afford to take time off work. I have to use annual leave when my symptoms are bad.

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