Finding the Right Treatments

Hello. My name is Nicole, and I am a 51-year-old woman who has had Dermatopagraphia Idiopathic Chronic Urticaria for the last nine years (2015 to present) of my life. This health situation appeared out of nowhere and took over my health severely. I also have Austipenia and Epilepsy. What a combination!

Process of Elimination

For me, it was trying to figure out what on earth was happening to my body. Through seeing my family doctor, allergist, dermatologist, and rheumatologist t, I have been all over the place with treatments and medications. I have had Benedryl, reactine, and a combo of H1 and H2 antihistamines. Nothing worked. From my multiple ER trips, I thought someone might be able to help me with my situation. Nope. In my words, " Go home. We can't help you." Sometimes, that brought me to tears. I also have had several tests done. My IgE is 2. (normal is 120 ish) as of April 2024. Nothing came out of that, and neither did my platelets, which were 470 (average 140 to 400). What's new?

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My medications journey

All the medications I mentioned didn't work. Currently, I am on Blexton (4 pills max dose) since May 2019. At first, it was manageable for a short time, but then it got worse on and off to the present day. As of July 30,2024, I changed the schedule a bit. I used to take 2 pills at 3:30 am, 1 pill at 1 pm, and 1 at 8:15 pm. Now it is 2 pills at 4:15 am and 2 at 4 pm. It seems to help a bit more. I have had so many prescriptions for prednisone. It helps a lot, but I still can get quite a bunch—one; my body has started the day over 100. In my opinion I think my body starts to get used to it. The doctors and allergists suggest Xolair, but I have an appointment at The Allergy Clinic on September 25/2024. They do natural stuff. I may have mentioned this. Being off my meds for 3 days (they want that) is going to be a disaster. We will see what happens.

The physical effects of my chronic hives

My hives can be all different sizes. They can have white rings around them and turn my legs purple. They swell like crazy at first and flatten most of the time. My hives appear everywhere whenever they want. They like to favor my legs and ankles. For my face, there have been times when I don't recognize myself. The swollen eyes, lips, and hives on my face. It feels like needles are poking me, bugs biting and stinging me. Also, they can hurt like a deep bruise, which they do bruise. Most of all, they are itchy and irritating.

Personal therapy

Soft blankets, ice packs, damp cloths, and non-scented cream. I use Alveno. Also, bio freeze, lidocaine, and a spray bottle with cold water, but most of all, a cold shower. PS. It is not good to shower in the evening or later. The systems are more active then, and hives appear even more. Use other therapy at that time.

Finding connection

I am glad I ran across this site. The doctors don't seem to be much help at all. Maybe you guys will be able to help me. I read about Xolair, and the side effects are scary. If you take it, can you tell me your side effects and coverage information? Thank you for reading my story, everyone.

Treatment results and side effects can vary from person to person. This treatment information is not meant to replace professional medical advice. Talk to your doctor about what to expect before starting and while taking any treatment.
This article represents the opinions, thoughts, and experiences of the author; none of this content has been paid for by any advertiser. The team does not recommend or endorse any products or treatments discussed herein. Learn more about how we maintain editorial integrity here.

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