CJ Walker

Allergies Community Advocate CJ WalkerCJ’s chronic hives journey began in July 2018 when she started experiencing outbreaks from an unknown source.

Two months later, she was diagnosed with idiopathic urticaria. Although doctors were unable to pinpoint the exact cause of her chronic hives, CJ was later diagnosed with iron-deficiency anemia and diabetes.

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Currently, CJ has worked through chronic hives and is in remission. CJ is a passionate chronic illness advocate and a freelance writer for several diabetes organizations, including Type2Diabetes.com. Active in many online chronic illness communities, she shares her story and encourages others on their chronic illness journeys.

She currently resides in the Richmond, Virginia area with her husband, Charles, her daughter, and two sons.

Click here to read all of CJ's articles on Chronic-Hives.com.