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Chronic urticaria

I am suffering from chronic urticaria from last 20 years? I am taking rantac 150 empty stomach and levoceticzine 5 mg at night, Please advise is it curable?

  1. Can I ask what your symptoms are? My son possibly has it but I’m not sure.

    1. Hello ,
      The two most common symptoms of chronic hives are:
      Urticaria (also called hives, welts, or wheels) and
      Angioedema (painful swelling under the skin)
      People with chronic hives have either or both of these symptoms for 6 weeks or longer. This articles discusses the symptoms in greater detail:
      I wish you (and your son) all the best as you continue to search for answers.
      ~ Doreen (Team Member)

  2. ,
    I am saddened to hear how challenging it has been for you.
    Although there is no cure for chronic hives, the goal of treatment is to reduce symptoms and improve one's quality of life.
    Unfortunately we cannot offer specific medical advice over the internet (for your own safety). However, I would like to share a few articles that may provide some helpful information: and
    Wishing you all the best as you continue to search for some much-needed relief.
    ~Doreen (Team Member)

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