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Hives as a symptom of Long Covid

Hello all,
I just read a post about Long Covid symptoms (things like post-exertional malaise). But it also included mast cell misbehaviour. This is first I've seen mast cells mentioned in connection to Long Covid. Can't seem to find much info on this, here or elsewhere. Has anyone else seen any discussion of this from a reliable source?

  1. Hi ,
    We appreciate you reaching out.
    Long Covid has certainly been puzzling and I believe we truly don't have all the answers yet. There are many symptoms/long term effects that are still being questioned.
    I hope others will chime in with their personal experiences.
    My best, Doreen (Team Member)

    1. Since I posted my message, the New England Journal of Medicine has published an article called "Long Covid Defined" which includes mast-cell activition syndrome in its list of possible symptoms:

      1. ,
        Great timing.
        Thanks so much for sharing.
        ~Doreen (Team Member)

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