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Alternative and Complementary Treatments for Chronic Hives and Rashes

There are a wide variety of alternative or complementary treatments and therapies that may help alleviate some of the symptoms of chronic hives. Please note, that some of these therapies have not been FDA-approved, and their effectiveness may vary from one individual to another. Always consult with your medical professionals before beginning any new treatment. With this in mind, here are some of the non-pharmaceutical chronic hives treatments that, in my experience, work to reduce inflammation and keep my chronic hives under control.

Acupuncture for chronic hives

Some people with chronic hives find rash relief with specific acupuncture points known to reduce inflammation. This is a traditional Chinese medicine technique where the practitioner inserts thin needles into specific points on the body, which depends on the desired outcome. I find the most affordable acupuncturists offer group therapy visits. I see my Boston-based professional, for only $30 a treatment, and there may be 1 or 2 other people relaxing in the same room as me.1

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Medical massage for chronic hives

Some people with chronic hives, like me, are triggered by stress, and find some stress relief with specific types of massage. These are considered “medical massages,” and are practiced only by professionals trained in them. Personally, I enjoy myofascial release massage once a month and find it helps to reduce my stress level, muscle stiffness, and tension headaches.

Mind-body therapies for chronic hives

Yoga, meditation, and deep breathing may all help to reduce stress and improve overall well-being. This, in response, may help to alleviate chronic hives and other stress-related rash reactions. There are many free instructional videos on the Internet, for each of these therapeutic treatments. I often do my yoga with videos by instructors included on Netflix.

Herbs and supplements for chronic hives

Some organic herbs and supplements, such as quercetin, turmeric or curcumin, butterbur, and bromelain, have been found to have anti-inflammatory properties, which may help to reduce hives. Again, please note, that you should always consult a healthcare professional before taking any new herbs or supplements.2,3

Probiotics for chronic hives

Taking good bacteria, or probiotics, could help to reduce inflammation, which can improve overall health, and may help to reduce or alleviate chronic hives and other inflammatory rashes. It’s important to be aware that there are also histamine-raising probiotic strains people with inflammatory conditions might want to avoid, such as Lactobacillus bulgaricus, Lactobacillus casei, and Lactobacillus saerimneri.4

Vitamin D for chronic hives

Some studies suggest that a deficiency in vitamin D may be linked to chronic hives. With this in mind, taking a vitamin D supplement may be beneficial. However, it's always important to consult a healthcare professional before taking any vitamin supplement. Keep in mind, that excess intake can be harmful. Also, remember that the sun is the most natural source of vitamin D. I had eczema rashes, that did not respond to prescription appointments for many months, which finally cleared up completely after only a week of vacation in the sun!2

Use in conjunction with other therapies

I personally incorporate every one of these alternative treatments and therapies, into my anti-inflammatory self-care routine, and have had great success in keeping my chronic hives under control. But, it's worth noting that these are NOT meant to replace traditional medical treatments for chronic hives. I incorporate them in conjunction with mine.2,3

Lastly, always consult a doctor before trying any alternative or complementary therapies, as some may interact with other medications and/or have unwanted side effects.

This article represents the opinions, thoughts, and experiences of the author; none of this content has been paid for by any advertiser. The team does not recommend or endorse any products or treatments discussed herein. Learn more about how we maintain editorial integrity here.

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